
Daily Guidance Horoscopes :


This Audiobook is a convenient way for you to receive tarot style daily guidance and directions with your potential everyday life activities and challenges.

Each Chapter contains a different message in areas of your life such as Money, Love, Career and potential Future issues.

To receive your message, simply choose a chapter (Section) at random.

Or - if you are seeking a message in a particular area of your life – simply choose a chapter within the following sections.

FOR LOVE - Questions relating to Love - choose any Chapter between 1 and 22

FOR FUTURE - Questions relating to Future Decisions - choose any Chapter between 23 and 38

FOR CAREER - Questions relating to your Career or Work related issues - choose any Chapter between 39 and 60

FOR MONEY - Questions relating to Love - choose any Chapter between 61 and 82

You can choose as many messages as you want each day.

To select another message, simply use the menu to choose a different Chapter (Section) for additional guidance.

This audio book can be used every day and is a fun way to receive Daily Tarot style Guidance messages, it is our hope it will guide you to making the best decision for your situation each and every day.

May our best wishes be with you always.

Narrator: Judy Lungu
