
Destiny's War: Part 1: Saladin's Secret


In the style of Indiana Jones, the adventures of Lawrence of Arabia, and the mysteries of Dan Brown.

The Great War erupts across the known world, pitting empires against nations. The Middle Eastern desert becomes a battlefield, as the Ottoman Empire battle against the pressing British Forces.

A reporter, a spy, an archaeologist, are all proper descriptions of Marion by the age of 18. He ran away from home after his mother passed away, seeking to walk in the footsteps of Sir Richard Francis Burton, and he did, both literally and figuratively.

Traveling with the Imperial Camel Corp deep into enemy territory he discovers a history and a secret dating back centuries. The myths of Saladin, Sinan, Assassins, Templars hide a truth of an ancient war.

Marion does not know who to trust when a mysterious new enemy seek an artifact, which may hold a secret that could tip the balance of power.

Narrator: David Sweeney-Bear
