
Dreams Don't Die : The Story of a Man on a Mission to Inspire a Generation of Dreamers


Immigrant. Dropout. Entrepreneur. Restauranter. Real estate developer. Movie producer. Philanthropist.

These are only a few titles Izek Shomof, the so-called King of Spring Street, has carried throughout his fascinating life. Each of these monikers tells a part of Izekā€™s unbelievable tale, but the whole story has never been toldā€”until now.

Dreams Donā€™t Die is not your typical, run-of-the-mill immigrant story. It is the memoir of a man who had every opportunity to take unethical and often-illegal shortcuts but who instead chose the lesser-trod path of honesty and integrity. Itā€™s the story of a young man who poured his blood, sweat, and tears into the city he loved, transforming not only buildings but lives in the processā€”starting with his own.

From serving drinks in backroom Israeli casinos to buying an entire city block of downtown Los Angeles, Izekā€™s life has been anything but traditional. Between flipping burger joints, building tract homes, and renovating historic California high-rises, Izek has come face-to-face with some particularly problematic elements of his family treeā€”including organized crime, Mob enforcers, hit men, drug cartels, bank robbers, and history-making embezzlement schemes. The sordid adventures of Izekā€™s family have even become the subject of not one but two film productionsā€”a major Hollywood motion picture starring James Caan and a blockbuster Israeli documentary series. Izekā€™s life proves that even in the face of dream-killing obstacles, with hard work, steadfastness, and tenacity, dreams donā€™t have to die.