King James 1611 - World English 2000 - Türkçe İncil 1878
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bookEnglish Latin Greek Bible - The Gospels II - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
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bookBiblia Español Portugués
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bookBiblia No.2 Español Latín
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bookBibbia N.2 Italiano Ungherese
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bookBiblia Español Latín
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Greek Cebuano Bible - The Gospels III - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
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bookEnglish Czech Bible - The Gospels II - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
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bookEnglish German Danish Bible - The Gospels VIII - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Romanian Bible IV
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bookEnglish Spanish Italian Bible - The Gospels IV - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Vietnamese French Bible - The Gospels II - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
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English Danish Bible No4
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bookEnglish Czech Bible No7
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bookEnglish Albanian Bible No4
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bookEnglish Dutch Bible No7
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bookEnglish-French Bible No2
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bookEnglish Chinese German Bible
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bookEnglish Parallel Bible No21
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bookEnglish Norwegian Bible II
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish German Bible II - The Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Italian Bible - The Gospels II - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Albanian Armenian Bible - The Gospels
TruthBeTold Ministry
bookEnglish Bible - The Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
TruthBeTold Ministry