Barbara Pamplin’s life was changed by 50, 3, and 3. That's 50 days in intensive care, 3 open heart surgeries, and 3 deaths and resuscitations – all in the fall of 2017. Barbara is a passionate storyteller, committed to inspiring Black women and others to celebrate and engage in the soul work of personal transformation, to confront the health crisis among Black women at its root level.Part memoir, part self-help book, From Fat, Black, and Unlovable to Beautiful. Powerful. Love. looks through the lens of family dynamics, personal narrative-making, and the legacy of slavery along with institutional racism to examine toxic beliefs and their impact on Black women’s health. The author shares intimate stories and offers personal practices that guide us through self-reflection, perspective-taking, and celebration—all in service of healing and transformation to reclaim our well-being.
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