
Guided Morning Meditations & Affirmations : Create Peace & Feel Better


From Sound Science Soul — a media/lifestyle brand where we help you feel better through the use of sound — comes this series of Morning Meditations and Affirmations.

We’ve compiled some of our short 10 minutes or less meditations to get your morning started off right! Commit to doing at least one of these meditations (more if you’re an overachiever!) for at least 30 days to see a shift in your life occur.

This collection includes-

Grounding Meditation: A simple guided grounding meditation. You’ll be tapping into the strength of the tree of life. The Tree of Life reminds you of your connection to the earth and your dependence on it to grow. Just as its branches grow stronger and reach higher you too grow stronger and strive for more wisdom and experiences throughout life. I AM Morning Affirmations: All the messages you have received throughout life have created a program in your subconscious that affects how you perceive yourself and the world. But you can re-program your mind to believe differently. Listen to these affirmations every day, at least once per day, more if you’d like. Morning Affirmations for Health Anxiety: Use the power of affirmations to calm your health anxiety. Health anxiety is when you become obsessively worried about your health and you may feel the need to constantly check for signs that there is something physically wrong with you. This breathing technique and these affirmations can calm your anxiety so you can surrender and the symptoms can subside. Daily Morning Meditation for Love, Peace & Healing: This meditation is best used in the morning ideally as the sun is coming up. It's used to bring peace to yourself as you start your day but also to bring peace, joy and healing to others in your life, including those you have challenging relationships with.

Narrator: Sommer Leigh