Some compare the evolving Web to the revolution of the Gutenberg press. How does the Web shape the role and understanding of leadership? What are key challenges and opportunities? What mindsets, skills and knowledge are necessary? "The Leadership Implications of the Evolving Web," provides and analyzes over 300 pioneer examples from the private, public and non-profit sector in Germany, Europe and the US. A new leadership paradigm seems to be emerging with an inexorable shift away from one-way, hierarchical, organization-centric communication toward two-way, network-centric, participatory, and collaborative leadership styles. Which requirements and trends, which opportunities and key challenges are emerging for leadership? Aim of the study is to enable managers from all sectors to anticipate changes and proactively take advantage of opportunities that are emerging. (Target group for this publication are people in leadership positions in organizations across all sectors - from managers in executive and supervisory boards, operations, human resources to academics and practitioners, advisers and policymakers. The Study "Leadership & Web 2.0 has been presented by authors Grady McGonagill, ED and Tina Doerffer, MPA amongst others at the International Leadership Academy in Boston (2010).
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