
Love Is an Action Verb : Stop Wasting Time and Delight in Your Relationship


Looking for ways to deepen your connection? Learn how to transform your relationship on your own. "The kind of love that lasts is not something you fall into, it’s the kind you build, moment by moment, skill by skill, year by year. We all want love but that does not mean we all know how to build it. This wise book shows you how. Kind, clear, and research-based ... I highly recommend it."

~Steven C. Hayes, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, University of Nevada, Originator of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Author of A Liberated Mind

With over 30 years of counseling experience, Certified Gottman Therapist Laura Silverstein has helped stressed-out individuals and couples overcome countless frustrations. And now she's here to take you behind the scenes of a couples therapy office and help you show up as the best version of yourself in your relationship.

Love Is an Action Verb is a funny, thought-provoking, surprising new book that helps you take a deeper dive with your best friend. You’ll learn impeccably researched, step-by-step approaches to manage conflict quicker and leave more room for fun and intimacy. And by following Laura’s practical guidance, you and your partner will soon be feeling more connected.

In Love Is an Action Verb, you’ll discover:

- How to deal with difficult conversations

- Ways to save money on pricey counseling

- Gender-neutral examples to bring real-world problems to life

- Exercises, printable workbooks based on empirical research, and much, much more!

Love Is an Action Verb is your handbook for romance; personal yet universally applicable. If you like well-researched information and humorous writing, then you'll enjoy this book.

Download Love Is an Action Verb to live your best relationship today.

Narrator: Ash Robyn