
Philip K. Dick. Science Fiction Short Stories Collection. Illustrated


Philip K. Dick published 44 novels and 121 short stories during his lifetime and solidified his position as arguably the most literary of science fiction writers.

Dick became the first science fiction writer to be included in The Library of America series.

Although Dick spent most of his career as a writer in near-poverty, ten of his stories have been adapted into popular films since his death, including Blade Runner, Total Recall, A Scanner Darkly, Minority Report, Paycheck, Next, Screamers, and The Adjustment Bureau.


Second Variety

The Variable Man

Adjustment Team

The Hanging Stranger

The Eyes Have It

The Skull

Mr. Spaceship

Beyond the Door

Beyond Lies the Wub

The Golden Man

The Gun

The Defenders

Tony and the Beetles

The Crystal Crypt

Upon the Dull Earth

Piper in the Woods

Of Withered Apples


The Turning Wheel

The Last of the Masters

James P. Crow

Prominent Author

Small Town

Survey Team

Sales Pitch

Breakfast at Twilight

The Crawlers

Exhibit Piece




Strange Eden

Human Is

Foster, You're Dead