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A mean boy in the class starts boxing Sten and Amir in the stomach, and when he gets the chance. He does it quickly and when no one is looking.
Although he doesn’t usually go after Sten and Amir at the same time, but only one at a time.
And the boxing happens so fast. In no time he manages to punch one of them hard in the stomach. And no one else has time to see who did it.
This boy is dangerous and nasty. He is the little brother of one of the bullies, and he runs their errands.
But soon Sten has enough and punches the boy back in the stomach. And he boxes hard.
He requests him to tell his brother to stop arguing with Amir and him or else he will be beaten even more.
Sten defends both Amir and himself and he gets really tough on the mean boy.
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