Two eminent scientists debate UFO incidents, persuasive cases, and exploration of what we still need to know about the phenomena. The Edge of Reality is an invaluable work that gives insight into the thinking of Hynek and Vallee's research and investigations into UFOs.
The UFO Abduction Book
Brad Steiger
audiobookIn Plain Sight
Ross Coulthart
audiobookHuman & Alien UFO Anti-Gravity Research
Martin K. Ettington
audiobookUFO : The Inside Story of the US Government's Search for Alien Life Here—and Out There
Garrett M. Graff
audiobookCosmos and Psyche
Richard Tarnas
audiobookThe UFO Experience : Evidence Behind Close Encounters, Project Blue Book, and the Search for Answers
J. Allen Hynek
audiobookPreproducción de sistemas multimedia
Carlos Alberto Peláez Ayala, Andrés Fernando Solano Alegría, Antoni Granollers Saltiveri
bookPrincipia : "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy"
Isaac Newton
bookConsejos de marketing por correo electrónico
Avneet Kumar Singla
bookSiete claves para hacer un webinar exitoso : Todo lo que querías saber, pero que no te atrevías a preguntar
Óscar Augusto Valbuena Aguirre
bookSAP on Azure Implementation Guide
Nick Morgan, Bartosz Jarkowski
bookDe las políticas educativas a las prácticas escolares
Carmen Rodríguez Martínez, Francisco Imbernón Muñoz