Whether you're an active trader, or simply want a better understanding of how to succeed in today's markets, you'll benefit from the wisdom and insight renowned "Traders' Hall of Fame" award winner. Now, Jack Schwager hands you the strategies of the most sought after traders. Through his bestselling Market Wizards books, Schwager has probed the minds of the world's most respected investors, studying their personal traits and learning the secret techniques that have turned them into investment role models. Now a professional investor and successful fund manager in his own right, Schwager shares his own secrets, along with those of his prominent "Wizards." This book will enable you to master the fine art of trading as you discover and apply the key methods and traits shared by the world's most acclaimed traders. Find critical, yet often overlooked factors for understanding: * How to avoid losing faith during down markets, and confidently pull profits in any market condition * The dangers of overtrading--how to react when no position is the right position * The value of "self-analysis" for finding a trading method that fits your personality and goals * The real risk in volatility * How to develop the habit of "disloyalty" * Why you MUST learn how to change directions--and how to do it quickly Plus, the keys to developing discipline, good money management skills, and avoiding the risks inherent in second-guessing your own system--all learned from the Market Wizards themselves and revealed here for you.
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