
Demon Breathing Down My Neck


Haunted houses are an angel’s day job. The monsters in the closet won’t get the kids on my watch. Not again. I don’t care if I’m the last angel on earth, nothing will hurt them. Not. One. More. Time.

My first family to save here on Earth 3457. Different earth with darker demons. The mom called us. Her baby’s dead. I have to find out what did it. Typical sick case. But something’s off with these kids.

The warrior angels look down on us house cleaners. We do the hard work on the ground. All they do is fly around in their fancy Silverwings. So out of touch with reality. Or are they not as stupid as they seem?

All across the versions of earth, dark things keep haunting families. How are all these demons getting in the houses? Who’s planting them there and why?