
Getting Even : Who Knew Revenge Could Be So Much Fun?


Getting Even is not a rom-com, it's an after-it-all-goes-horribly-wrong-com. (there’s really no romance except for Shug fancying the pants off Ella).

Anyway, ever had a laugh contemplating the most ridiculous revenge on that arse of an ex, shaken your head and moved on?

Not Kathy. Kathy sees it all the way through. . .

Kathy is thoroughly fed up of being on the wrong end of a series of break-ups, and at forty, she can safely say that she is absolutely and completely scunnered.

There’s only one thing for it: it’s time to get even.

After searching for other lovelorn souls with their own axes to grind, she masterminds the ultimate schemes to get back at their exes. What could possibly go wrong? Until . . .

Housemate Sheena figures out what the whole star-crossed gang is up to and has got a taste for revenge of her own. Wonder if you can guess who she enlists to help her?

With a large measure of deviousness and a cast of Scottish characters – including plastic surgeons and a lovable Glasgow gangster – Getting Even turns out to be quite the business!

Narrador/a: Gillian Pollock