
It is Only a Very Silent Mind That Can Actually See : Amsterdam 1967 - Public Talk 5


It is only a very silent mind that can actually see - 30 May 1967

- Conflict exists only when there are two opposing things: fear and non-fear,violence and non-violence.

- A mind that is in a state of inquiry is entirely different from a mind that is seeking. Seeking implies effort, conformity, authority and therefore conflict.

- Without space in which there is no boundary, the mind is incapable of comingupon immeasurable reality.

- It is only a silent mind that can perceive, actually see, not a chattering mind, acontrolled mind, a mind that is tortured, suppressed, yielding or indulging.

- When one has totally denied the psychological world which man has created,and the psychological structure of society of which we are, then there is spaceand silence.

- Q: Could you de ne contemplation and meditation?

- Q: It is not possible ever to observe totally one's own irrational thoughts.

- Q: What does it mean to stand alone?

Narrador/a: Jiddu Krishnamurti