
Jump : One Girl's Search For Meaning


It's a dark, rainy afternoon on Dublin's jammed M50. The rain is hammering on the windscreen of Daniella Moyles' car. She is 29, a highly successful radio presenter, model and influencer, but she can't stop the panic building in her head and chest. The internal state that she has been trying to ignore is finally spilling over into something undeniably physical. She is petrified. She looks to her boyfriend and says, 'I don't know who or where I am.'

The next day, Daniella quit her job and set out on a new path, backpacking around the world for two years.

Jump is a memoir about growing up, burning out, bad decisions, reckless adventures, love and loss.

It's about what happens when you let go of everything you think you need and are confronted by who you really are – and how on the other side of this confrontation lie true contentment, strength and authenticity.