
Marketing in the Participation Age


Marketing in the Participation Age is based on the Intrinsic Motivation Theory that people are motivated to seek challenges, to discover new perspectives, and in doing so, the activity itself stimulates their desire to actualize their individual human potential. If a person is intrinsically motivated, they will choose to actively engage and participate and the experience will be rewarding. Social environments can be designed to facilitate and enable participation, or they can just as easily cause disruption and disinterest. This theory has been applied to psychology and education. It has never been applied to marketing because it has not been relevant to do sountil now. Living by the principles of Marketing in the Participation Age will help companies edge out their competitors, and conscientiously plan their programs to activate a set of motivational elements that work together to inspire people to join, share, take part, connect, and engage. The key to custom

Narrador/a: Daina Middleton