
Our Ultimate Passover Lamb


This book serves to emphasize that Lord Jesus remains our Passover

Lamb. He ultimately meets all the requirements of the Lamb in the Old

Testament. Jesus remains the only reason for salvation. His crucifixion was

the tool for the remission of our sins, and this was God's eternal plan of

redemption for humanity. Jesus is our ultimate Passover Lamb, and His life

is a proof enough to us that He was a Selected Lamb and came to the earth

to serve a purpose of bringing redemption to the all human race and both

His suffering and victory is a symbol of a sacrificial Lamb and was gentle,

blemishless, and pure yet sacrificed. Jesus, our Passover Lamb, was

sacrificed for us to have the executive privilege of becoming the Sons or

rightful Heirs in the Kingdom of God. He is the very template and a pattern

to God the Father, His Suffering and Death was not only for us to attain

salvation however it was for us to become the exact representation of who

He is here on the Earth. All this activity was celebrated during the Feast of

Passover. The feasts in the bible begin with the Feast of Passover, two

weeks before the Exodus. Passover is celebrated in the first month of the

year. This feast is called the “feast of freedom” because it celebrates the

deliverance of the Israelite from bondage in Egypt and memorizes when the

blood of the Lamb protected those who were obedient to the Lord. The first

Passover in Exodus 12 was the actual day of deliverance from the wicked

system of Egypt. The Hebrew word Pesach, for Passover, means passed

over” the houses of Israel when He brought judgment against the Egyptians.

Other Passover celebration is the celebration of that great day of the

deliverance of the first Passover