
Ready to Be a Thought Leader?


Thought leaders are the informed opinion leaders, and go-to people in their field of expertise. They are trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas; turn ideas into reality, and know and show how to replicate their success. They are change agents who inspire evolutionary or even revolutionary change changing minds, behavior, and even the world. But how do they get there? And how can any one of us become a thought leader in our own right? In Ready to Be a Thought Leader?, renowned executive talent coach Denise Brosseau presents a well-defined process to transition from successful businessperson to thought leader. A thought leader in her own right (she speaks frequently and is an expert on womens entrepreneurship), Brosseau advises top Fortune 500 and Silicon Valley figures on how to make the leap. In Ready to Be a Thought Leader?, she reveals the 7 steps of her plan for becoming a thought leader: Whats My Driving Passion identify your profes