
Seeing Him Who Is Invisible


Christians believe that the journey of life does not end at death.

Rather, Christians understand life to be a pilgrimage that extends beyond death to God. Admittedly, our journeys can be weary because of the difficulties we encounter. Some struggles come from without and others from within, the result of the false choices we call sin.

Yet there is hope, as veteran preacher and author Fr. John Jay Hughes teaches. Christian pilgrims have three main sources of nourishment along the way: Holy Scripture, the Church’s Sacraments, and the example and support of those who journey with them.

These talks offer vivid examples of all three. They are the harvest of a lifetime’s reflection by outstanding Catholic author and preacher Fr. John Jay Hughes to bring faith alive and make it relevant for people like you today.

Under the direction of Fr. Hughes, you can deal fruitfully with big questions such as: What awaits us beyond death? Who are the “false gods” we are still worshipping today? How do we cope with loneliness or with life-changing crises? How can the saints help?

Such huge questions as these may at first leave you overwhelmed, but Fr. Hughes provides a sure path to deeper understanding. According to widely respected Catholic journalist John L. Allen, Fr. Hughes “cuts to the core of things, to the restless need of the human heart for a love that lasts. Anyone who wishes to take that journey would do well to have Hughes as a guide.”

Take Fr. Hughes as your guide today. (Photo by Joe Mabel)

Narrador/a: John Jay Hughes