
Thanksgiftings : Six Short Stories Celebrating the Season


Stories Included are:

BARNEY - She looked forward everyday for him to come by. Then came the one day when he didn't.

GREEN BEAN CASSEROLE - All it took was one missing ingredient to melt the heart of a lonely old man.

AN EXPLOSIVE COMBINATION - In a post-apocalyptic future, a group of survivors reminisce about their first Thanksgiving after that climactic event.

THE LEG - Doug was determined to have turkey legs for his Thanksgiving dinner. He never planned on getting so much more.

THE WISHBONE - A grandfather finds out which end of the wishbone is the lucky part.

DAY 280,662 - When the last survivors of a doomed Earth reach their new planetary home, they discover the date of their first landing has special significance.

Narrador/a: Linda Mooney