
The Best Part of Us : A Novel


Beth Llyndee cherishes her family's summers on a pristine Canadian lake, where she revels in the sweet smell of dew on early morning hikes, the loons' evening trills across the lake's many bays, and an unshakable bond with family, friends, and nature on their island of granite and pines.

When that bond is threatened and then torn apart, first as her family's rights to the island are questioned and then by nature itself, Beth creates a new life in urban Chicago. She erects a solid barrier between the past and present, no matter how much it costs her---until her beloved grandfather asks her to return to the island to determine its fate. Will she choose to preserve who she has become, or will she risk everything to discover if what was lost still remains?

The Best Part of Us will immerse readers in a breathtaking natural world, a fresh perspective on loyalty, and an exquisite ode to the essential roles that family, nature, and place hold in all of our lives.

Narrador/a: Jane Weatherstone