
The Global Debt Trap


Since the financial bubble burst, the U.S. has created and pushed a monetary and fiscal policy which was at best blatantly wrong - and at worst carried an enormous financial risk -- and this is what started the real estate bubble. Those responsible repudiated the clearly visible problems and closed their eyes to the huge risks involved. Using quotes from their own work of the past few years, the authors prove that the dangers could indeed be clearly recognized: absurd rises in real estate prices and almost unbelievable excesses in bank lending (securitization of accounts receivable, credit insurers, and derivatives). The authors describe how the creators of the ever-present propaganda machine are systematically diverting attention from the fact that it was government interference in the market economy which brought us to where we are now, namely at the beginning of a financial calamity. They also describe what form the governments' and central banks' interventionist answers to the c

Narrador/a: David Colacci