
The Mysterious Disappearance of the Wondering Mind : He risked his life in the search of FREEDOM


A dangerous escape from East Germany and a Mystical Awakening in Indonesia - this book is the beginning of a life-long spiritual journey. The Mysterious Disappearance of the Wondering Mind is part one of Transcendental Journeys - A Visionary Quest for Freedom, a series of books by Omananda. In this first book, the author takes the dangerous road to physical freedom. He escaped from East Germany before the Berlin Wall fell and freed himself from the communist oppression in the socialistic society where he grew up.

This book not only covers his travels in parts of the USA, Central America, Asian countries, and India. It also goes into the detail on how the author actively participated in the political underground resistance movement during his former life in the GDR. When Torsten E. Klimmer aka Omananda arrived in the West, he first began to see glimpses of a magical world that eventually culminated in an unexpected spiritual awakening. After this rough wake-up call, he had to integrate this new information.

This Omananda audiobook has interludes of shamanic sounds. Character names have been changed to protect the individuals' privacy. Everything else remains authentic to the facts as they were experienced. All books by this author can be found at: www.omananda.com, where you can also get the eBook, watch related videos, read the author’s blog, and subscribe to the podcast.

Narrador/a: Torsten Klimmer