
When Love Is Not Enough


This is a story of a believer finding a non-believer and finding herself in the process. It harps on the imperfection of human beings, even when they seem perfect. It's a tale of love, acceptance and self discovery. The story proves that it is not impossible for a beautiful thing such as love to spring out like a fountain of water from a dry land to add to the coolness and beauty of nature when it is least expected. Therefore, position yourself in a nice sofa, or any comfortable space or seat, and get ready to have your body tingle with suspense in this exciting and romantic thriller!

Melody Edmonds never really stepped out of the shell her parents had created for her. She had always been a respectful, dedicated Christian with a strong belief, who associated only with the group of fellow believers in her community. However, an encounter with a man of no faith forces her to rethink all she had been trained to believe. In a bid to rescue him from a perceived damnation, Melody decides to spend more time with Levi Jacobs, to know more of him and understand the reasons behind his faithlessness. Not only does she find a friend in Levi Jacobs, much to the chagrin of her devout mother, she also finds a confidante and in turn, Levi forces her to question her own prejudices and better understand what it means to be a Christian.

Levi Jacobs had believed at some point in his life, but that was a longtime ago. He had long been exonerated from the blindness that came with religion and never wanted to return to it. Understandably, making friends with a deeply invested Christian girl, who was the poster girl for all things Levi thought he despised, wasn't the way to do that. But Melody's aura was hard to ignore and Levi found himself spending more and more time with her. She was all things good and pure, all things he had told himself he never wanted to be involved with, but the heart wants what it wants, and Levi's heart would ultimately surrender to Melody Edmonds.