
Who Are You? What Do You Want?


Make the Right Choices Today and Take Control of Your Future

When times are good it is easy to go along for the ride. When the going gets tough-the economy tank, jobs disappear, families are disrupted-it's more vital than ever to reassess the real meaning of success, and how you can achieve it on your own terms, in your own time.

Real and lasting success doesn't happen merely by chance. It is not subject to the whims of the economy or the dictates of other people. It is the result of decisive plans and definitive actions that only you can direct.

Four Questions That Will Change Your Life

The first and most important step in taking control of your future is to determine the truth-the truth about who you are, where you are, what you will do, and who your allies are.

The guiding principles outlined in this audio book are defined by questions that provoke reflection-reflection that draws out your unique talents and passions, reveals how to align them with your obligations, and leads

Narrador/a: Scott Peterson