Whodunnit Series

The Eagle Lake Fire Department sounds off its siren at straight-up noon, informing all the residents in the community it "was time to eat." The Lakeside Museum began to empty out of those attending for the lunchtime call. The few people still lingering among the interesting displays of the great museum were suddenly startled by the sight of one of the uniformed guards racing down the red longleaf pine steps of the main staircase, shouting! Justin Thomas raced up, 16 points ahead in the latest poll for Governor of Texas, shouting, "Lock the doors! No one is to leave the building!" After a brief moment, Thomas, the Director of the Museum, and others ran up the stairs to find a beautiful young woman, not more than eighteen years of age, lying on the cold wooden floor with an arrow protruding from the center of her chest. No one could believe what their eyes were telling them. A quick call was placed into Eagle Lake Headquarters, and lo and behold, a veteran detective who had made Eagle Lake his home in his seventies, answered the call. It was no other than Vincent James Gideon! To the people in Eagle Lake, he was best known only by his last name, GIDEON. He looked around the museum and asked his sidekick, TJ Johnson, to make a list of names. There were twenty-one witnesses that said they saw nothing. How could that be? Someone must be lying, but who?