This file includes four books: Poetics, Ethics, Politics, and Categories. According to Wikipedia: "Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC)[1] was a Greek philosopher and polymath, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. His writings cover many subjects, including physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, linguistics, politics, government, ethics, biology, and zoology. Together with Plato and Socrates (Plato's teacher), Aristotle is one of the most important founding figures in Western philosophy. Aristotle's writings were the first to create a comprehensive system of Western philosophy, encompassing morality, aesthetics, logic, science, politics, and metaphysics."
bookNicomachean Ethics
audiobookbookThe Nicomachean Ethics
book500 citations pour apprendre la sagesse avec les philosophes grecs classiques
Aristotle, – Épictète, – Héraclite, Platon, – Socrate
audiobook700 citations de la philosophie ancienne
Aristotle, Marc Aurèle, – Cicéron, – Épictète, – Héraclite, Platon, – Sénèque
audiobook700 Quotations from Ancient Philosophy
Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, Cicero, Epictetus, Heraclitus, Plato, Seneca the Younger
audiobook500 Quotes to Learn Wisdom from Classical Greek Philosophers
Aristotle, Epictetus, – Heraclitus Of Ephesus, – Plato, Socrates
audiobookAristotle’s Poetics
– Aristotle
audiobookbookPosterior Analytics
audiobookbookOn the Motion of Animals
The Imitation of Christ
Thomas à Kempis
audiobookbookBeing Logical
D.Q. McInerny
audiobookThe Ethics of Immanuel Kant : Metaphysics of Morals - Philosophy of Law & The Doctrine of Virtue + Perpetual Peace + The Critique of Practical Reason: Theory of Moral Reasoning
Immanuel Kant
bookFear and Trembling
Soren Kierkegaard
audiobookKant's Foundations of Ethics
Immanuel Kant
audiobookFear and Trembling
Søren Kierkegaard
audiobookKaikki vapaudesta
Kari Enqvist, Ilari Hetemäki, Teija Tiilikainen
bookPhilosophy 101 : From Plato and Socrates to Ethics and Metaphysics, an Essential Primer on the History of Thought
Paul Kleinman
Carl von Clausewitz
audiobookbookAinoa mikä jää : Keskusteluja siitä mikä on tärkeää
Kari Enqvist, Janne Saarikivi
bookSelfie : How the West Became Self-Obsessed
Will Storr
audiobookThe Captive Imagination : Addiction, Reality, and Our Search for Meaning
Elias Dakwar