
Black eyes crossed the sea: The black body on stage in body analysis: Bioenergetics and Biosynthesis


Brazil is a racialized country. Its social history is recorded in the spaces occupied by the colonial invasion, the domination of native peoples, slavery and European immigration. Walking through this large territory, it is clear that this story has imprinted marks on the land, colonized bodies and minds, which translates and is updated daily in relationships, in the purposeful invisibility of a part of the population. Everyone participates in this system, black, white and non-white, and it is essential that this is known. The racist ideology, propagating ideas of inferiority and subordination of certain peoples, crosses everyone, although from different places and experiences, and oppressed peoples (black and indigenous) suffer immensely from the consequences of social inequalities, leading to physical and psychological illness. The white race enjoys opportunities, but exempts itself from responsibility in an unfair system.

The African diaspora portrayed in this book, "Black Eyes Crossed the Sea", reveals the impact of the psychic effects caused by racism and its consequences in inter and intrapsychic relations, singularly in black people.

The theme is a call with the intention of sensitizing professionals from different areas of knowledge to understand what is inscribed in addition to skin color. It is a statement where everyone needs to recognize and review themselves. It is a door that opens in the hope of elaborating and transforming thinking about values, colonialist beliefs, and a possible emancipation.

Going through the theoretical bases of therapeutic action, based on Wilhelm Reich's corporal analysis, on Alexander Lowen's Bioenergetics, on David Boadella's Biosynthesis, on Frantz Fanon and Neusa Santos Souza's psychoanalysis and on Pichon Riviére's operative group, the corporal work is highlighted, stage of individual and collective history with a view to this transforming place. Not only starting from verbalization, but having the body as a protagonist, home to joy, suffering and trauma. A group experience is also shown in the encounter of black bodies, a place for exchanging reflections and experiences in relation to blackness and whiteness, which over time proved to be affirmative in the strengthening of identity.

In the words recorded here, it is stated how vital it is for institutions that aim to transmit knowledge to review themselves so as not to reproduce behaviors that lead to inequalities, injustices, suffering and illness.

This book is about believing, fraternal value, respect, caring for yourself and others, so that you can have better days for everyone.