
Broken Heart.: 'The Lord is close to the brokenhearted...' (Psalm 34:18)


The heart can break in many ways and for many reasons. However, in this short booklet I am writing to you who have been hurt – sinned against, taken advantage of – by another. I am writing to the abused. The broken heart I hope to speak to is the one that was robbed by man, and now finds it hard to hope, to feel, to believe.

Jesus loves you. He is with you. He pursues and will judge him who hurt you. Not only will he hold your abuser accountable, but even now Jesus longs to pour out his healing Spirit on you, and give you a ‘new heart and a new spirit.’ (Ezekiel 36:26)

I hope this short booklet is a window, an open door, a living word to your soul. I hope the truths of Christ come off the page and walk you into his eternal arms of healing.