Set in post-1918, rural Sussex, the story revolves around Mary Viner, a young lady with aspirations to leave her small town, as well as her relationship with a man living on a local acreage, known as the Doomsday Farm. The story also follows Arnold Furze of the Doomsday Farm, World War I veteran struggling with the farm life, thorn between two women of different sensibilities who have a significant impact on him.
Doomsday : Historical Romance Novel
Warwick Deeping
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Warwick Deeping
Warwick Deeping
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Warwick Deeping
audiobookbookDen lille by
Warwick Deeping
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Warwick Deeping
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Warwick Deeping
bookDoomsday (Historical Novel)
Warwick Deeping
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Warwick Deeping
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bookThe Complete Works of Warwick Deeping : Historical Adventures, Romance Novels & Short Stories
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bookNapoleon's Legacy: A 20-Volume Journey Through History : War and Peace, Waterloo, The Companions of Jehu, Empress Josephine, Uncle Bernac, The Rover, Moscow…
Leo Tolstoy, Alexandre Dumas, L. Mühlbach, Arthur Conan Doyle, Joseph Conrad, Eleanor C. Price, Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, Frederick Whishaw, Max Pemberton, Henry Seton Merriman, G. A. Henty, James Grant, Warwick Deeping, Charles Downer Hazen