
Easy Stress Solutions : How to Meditate Like a Master, Banish Anxiety and Kick Depression to the Curb


EVERYDAY STRESSES LIKE a rude co-worker, traffic slowdowns, or coffee spilled on your shirt, can cause short-term stress reactions like headaches or an upset stomach. But the stress that comes from trauma can be long-lasting, sometimes for decades. It can limit your daily ability to function. That type of pain can survive deep inside your mind and your psyche. People who have experienced trauma and tremendous pain can also develop tremendous strength and depth.

Here is the main goal we are working on in this book: learning to react less to stress and have more peace! How do you do that? By uncovering and unlearning the negatives in our life, and then creating better ways forward into a brighter future. I will show you some simple, positive coping skills that really work. This book is about developing those new skills and having the daily determination to live your best life.

You can have more peace and happiness. You can change your thoughts, change your focus and retrain your mind. You can take your stress and suffering, turn it around, and help change your life for the better. The secret is to take small, easy steps every day. A stressed-out person, affected by repeated emotional and psychological pain truly can become a person filled with peace, happiness and love. I know, because that person is ME. I am a trauma survivor.

Narrator: Shanna Warner