
Embracing Contentment


Embracing Contentment: The Essential Guide on How to Cultivate Contentment to Live A Simpler Way of Life

Indebtedness has been the downfall of a huge portion of the American population. We buy things that we can't afford with credit cards, or we buy a house that overstretches our limits. We buy the new cars that are flashy and pretty, and yet can't pay the insurance premium on them, or worse, can't afford our most basic of needs...food, shelter, electricity, water, and gas. How does this make any sense? It doesn't. We have to ask ourselves if these things that we buy are necessary for living our lives. Is it something that we HAVE to have, or is it just something to take off of our bucket lists?

In this audiobook, you will learn The Essential Guide on How to Cultivate Contentment to Live A Simpler Way of Life! So what are you waiting for, download a copy of Embracing Contentment today!

Narrator: Aadam Smyth
