
Fast To Heal : A 5-Step Guide to Achieving Nutritional PEACE and Reversing Insulin Resistance


In less than 5 decades, a majority of Americans have grown sick and fat. Most try, but few succeed with permanent weight loss or healing, despite following standard guidelines to eat less, lower fat intake, and move more.

Conventional nutrition guidelines and medications fail us, as they do little to heal underlying hormonal causes of chronic illness. The approaches outlined in Fast To Heal reverse obesity and insulin resistance with effective concepts of intermittent fasting, balancing food intake, and eliminating foods that drive obesity. Shana's step-by-step process is simple to implement, and brings sustainable results.

Fast To Heal is a must-read for anyone wanting to take control of their weight and health, and for practitioners and nutritionists wanting to understand drivers behind obesity. In turn, they can effectively help their patients heal through natural nutrition therapies.

Narrator: Shana Hussin