In a mesmerizing arctic world where magical birds dictate the seasons, 17-year-old Kira finds herself at the center of an impending catastrophe. As the last of the legendary Frost Weavers, she must race against time to end an unyielding winter that threatens to obliterate her village. This gripping tale, as told in "Feathers and Frost," weaves together Inuit-inspired culture with fantastical elements, creating a unique tapestry of myth and reality.
Kira's journey of self-discovery unfolds through alternating narratives, blending her present-day struggles with ancient folktales of her Frost Weaver ancestors. As she grapples with newfound powers and the weighty responsibility of negotiating with the obstinate Winter Bird, dark secrets and moral quandaries emerge, challenging both Kira and the reader to contemplate the far-reaching consequences of their actions.
This lyrical coming-of-age story, targeted at older YA readers, explores profound themes of climate change, personal responsibility, and finding one's place in a world on the brink of destruction. With its fresh perspective on environmental issues and a strong, diverse female protagonist, "Feathers and Frost" offers a compelling and relevant reimagining of traditional winter fairy tales.