
Finding the One : A Practical Guide to Manifesting Your Soul Mate


An uplifting & inspiring guide to falling in love with life and manifesting your soul mate …

In Finding the One, author Rachel Blacker guides you on a process that will help you fall in love with life, fall in love with yourself, find completeness within and magnetise the romance of a lifetime. Using inspirational stories as examples, Rachel breaks down the barriers of cultural conditioning and applies compelling spiritual teachings that will lead you on a path to joyful living and powerful manifestation.

Not only can these teachings manifest your beloved, through positive suggestion and reshaping your subconscious beliefs, they can improve your life in all areas.

You will learn how to quiet the mind and address habits of thinking that contribute to your life experience. You will find new habits to shore up your faith, recognise your worth, find completeness within and fall blissfully in love with life.

In Finding the One, you are lovingly invited to recognise the blessedness of your life experience, to honour the sacredness of your moments and to find a deep well of peace and perfection within. From within this space, you are assured that your manifestation is yours. This is the very energy that will bring your manifestation to you.

Narrator: Rachel Blacker