
Great Britain: A Concise Overview of The History of Great Britain – Including the English History, Irish History, Welsh History and Scottish History


Explore the History of Great Britain From Start to End...

*** 4 Manuscripts in 1 Book - English History, Irish History, Welsh History, Scottish History ***

**English History** In this book, you will learn about the country, its people and their rich history, including:

The Medieval age The Reformation Kings and queens And much more…

**Irish History** In this book, Irish History, you will find out about what has happened to Ireland through the ages, with chapters on:

Early peoples and ages The advent of Christianity The Middle Ages And much more…

**Welsh History** Inside the pages of Welsh History, you will find that there is much more to this small nation than meets the eye, with chapters the cover:

How Wales emerged as a country The rise of national consciousness The Welsh economy And much more…

**Scottish History** This book, Scottish History, tells Scotland’s story through several hundred years of turmoil and strife and includes chapters on:

The emergence of the Scottish nation The golden age The Wars of Independence And much more… Don’t wait another moment to enjoy from this information – Get your copy of Great Britain right away!

Narrator: John B Lynn