Debasement of the dollar by ill use of leverage is destroying the global economy. Karl Denninger, well known market commentator, has been following the path that money has taken throughout history, charting its rises and falls, to discover that currencies are debased when moneyed and powerful interests pull the levers of government and policy to enrich themselves at the expense of many. What follows is ugly: the value of everything, including gold, falls, and even personal safety is at risk in a world where there is limited money for even food. History is littered with the collapse of monetary and economic systems from Rome to Germany to Zimbabwe. Leverage charts the history or currency debasement, illustrates how it is playing out in the U.S. right now and the coming impact on the world economy. Readers will learn why so many regularly turn to Denninger's keen analysis, and provide insight voters need to make informed decisions before it is too late.
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