Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher who was largely responsible for shaping Western philosophy as it is known today. Aristotle, who was one of Plato’s students and would later tutor Alexander the Great, was also regarded as the world’s first scientist and his many writings are still revered today. This edition of Meteorology includes a table of contents.
Nicomachean Ethics
bookThe Nicomachean Ethics
book500 citations pour apprendre la sagesse avec les philosophes grecs classiques
Aristotle, – Épictète, – Héraclite, Platon, – Socrate
audiobook700 citations de la philosophie ancienne
Aristotle, Marc Aurèle, – Cicéron, – Épictète, – Héraclite, Platon, – Sénèque
audiobook700 Quotations from Ancient Philosophy
Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, Cicero, Epictetus, Heraclitus, Plato, Seneca the Younger
audiobook500 Quotes to Learn Wisdom from Classical Greek Philosophers
Aristotle, Epictetus, – Heraclitus Of Ephesus, – Plato, Socrates
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– Aristotle
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