Centuries after the fall of civilization, the remnants of humanity survive in dying bio-city, known as the Green Zone. Teenager Tenn Gavrilo could rebuild the city, maybe even the world. But her resentful brother Seren aims to destroy it. THEY GREW A PERFECT CITY AT THE END OF THE WORLD, BUT THE ROOTS ARE ROTTEN. Centuries after the fall of the Anthropocene, the last vestiges of human civilization are housed in a massive domed city powered by renewable energy, known as The Green Zone. Inside lives teenager Tenn Gavrilo, a brilliant bio-engineer who could rebuild the planet. But there’s one problem: her resentful brother Seren is eager to dismantle the precarious Utopia. From the minds of Zac Thompson (X-Men, Yondu) and debut writer Emily Horn with artist Alberto Jimenez Alburquerque (Letter 44, Avengers ) comes a gorgeous and green solar-punk world filled with strange biotechnology, harsh superstorms, and divisive ideologies--ideologies that will tear Tenn and Seren down to their roots as they fight for a better Earth. Collects the complete five issue series.
No One's Rose
- 140 pages
- 20 books
Zac Thompson
Zac Thompson is a writer born and raised on Prince Edward Island, Canada. He's written titles like Marvelous X-Men, Cable, and X-Men: Black for Marvel Comics. Along with indie books such as No One’s Rose (Vault Comics), Her Infernal Descent, Relay, and The Replacer. In 2019, Zac became the showrunner of the Age of X-Man universe at Marvel Comics. His critically acclaimed miniseries, Come Into Me, was called the best horror comic of 2018 by HorrorDNA. His debut comic series, The Dregs, was called "lowbrow brilliant" by New York Magazine. His novel, Weaponized, was the winner of the 2016 CryptTV horror fiction contest.
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Emily Horn
Emily Horn has fallen asleep at yoga four times, quit a meditation class she had already paid for, and most recently purchased several crystals that she’s pretty sure are actually magic. Her humor writing has appeared in StarWipe and Reductress, and she performs comedy around New York City.
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