
Observations on the Florid Song; Or, Sentiments on the Ancient and Modern Singers


Pier Francesco Tosi's 'Observations on the Florid Song; Or, Sentiments on the Ancient and Modern Singers' is a comprehensive examination of the art of singing, both in historical context and as it was practiced during the author's time in the 18th century. Tosi delves into the technical aspects of vocal performance, discussing ornamentation and techniques used by renowned singers of the past, while also offering practical advice for contemporary performers. His writing style is scholarly and detailed, providing a wealth of information for any reader interested in the evolution of singing techniques. The book serves as a testament to Tosi's expertise in the field of vocal music, making it a valuable resource for musicians and music historians alike. Pier Francesco Tosi, a prominent Italian singing teacher and composer, draws from his own experience working with singers to offer his insights in 'Observations on the Florid Song'. As a respected figure in the world of vocal music, Tosi's observations carry weight and authority, enhancing the credibility of his work. For anyone interested in the history and technique of singing, Pier Francesco Tosi's 'Observations on the Florid Song' is a must-read. Whether you are a vocal performer looking to improve your skills or a scholar seeking to deepen your understanding of vocal music, Tosi's comprehensive study offers valuable insights and practical advice.