
Raise Your Vibration: Practice Loving Kindness and Experience Positive Shifts with Affirmations and Meditation


When you watch the news every day, you might find yourself wishing there was more kindness in the world. What if you realized it started with you? As Gandhi once said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

This program has been designed to help you commit to regular acts of love and kindness toward yourself and others.

This program can help you:

Practice loving kindness

Raise your vibration

Experience positive shifts in your life

The audiobook includes:

Chapters one to four: Listen to these daytime affirmations during any part of the day or evening.

Chapters five to eight: Listen to these subliminal affirmations on a low volume before or during sleep.

By thinking loving thoughts toward others and helping those in need, your own life can only improve for the better. It starts with showing yourself the love you need first.

Narrator: Mind Training Coach