
Secret to Success:: The Evolution of Public Education and the Workforce


Listen to Secret to Success: The Evolution of Public Education & the Workforce, which was originally written in 2019, to learn about changes that were already happening or being done in public schools that cause problems in our everyday life as business owners, employers, job seekers, kids in school and really everyone in some way or another. Whether you are an employer, or parent of someone in school, these issues that Ms. Jennifer A. Whitaker brings to life in Secret to Success: The Evolution of Public Education & the Workforce have already or will have an impact t on your life or even in the lives of your loved ones. She closes the book with the last two chapters providing ways in which you can help address these issues in your life or others, depending on what way it has or will impact you professionally, personally, or your loved ones. All of us in the country, if not the world, need to read these issues, become aware, and take action before it is too late. Skip this book and you will still be a victim but not be able to take action at least in your own life, and/or the lives of your loved ones to improve the economy and the future in some way or another. The problems are already present, but solutions are waiting for you to hear about, and react by using one of the methods which Ms. Jennifer A. Whitaker provides. Turning away, you will miss out on resolving the issues or the problems but they will not go away. Get your copy today! ....Don't wait for the problem to get worse...

Narrator: Pat Kennedy