
SM’s Ultimate Book Marketing Guide : Book Promotion Tactics Guaranteed to Increase Sales


Let’s face it: in the sea of self-publishing, most authors’ books don’t get noticed, much less read. They put in all this work to write a book that no one sees. And this is where Spirit Media’s Ultimate Book Marketing Guide comes into play to change the trajectory of the entire publishing experience.

This guide pulls together the knowledge and expertise that bestselling author, entrepreneur, and pastor Kevin White learned the hard way in the publication of his first bestselling book, Audacious Generosity—including the invaluable lessons he learned while self-publishing his next two bestsellers, Get to the Point and What’s Your Word? Kevin learned so much that he started his own publishing company in 2021, Spirit Media, to help other authors hone their visions and achieve their goals.

Today, Spirit Media is helping authors refine their brands for marketing success, professionally editing and polishing authors’ manuscripts, ghostwriting as needed, creating professional graphic design of book covers, and publishing authors’ works in paperback, hardback, eBook,

Narrator: Adam Loomis