
Speak Dutch : Book 1 of 3 Beginners


The ultimate guide to speaking Dutch, taught by a native Dutch speaking translator! This is book 1, for beginners.

About me: I grew up in the Netherlands, so I have spoken Dutch all my life. Not only that, but I have mastered to speak a total of 6 languages in my life, and an additional 2 (ancient Greek and Latin) as minors in high school. Learning languages has been a lifelong endeavor and joy to me. I have worked for a translation company as editor and translator (English-Dutch) for more than 5 years. In this book series, I will share with you the secret grammar rules, exceptions, as well as fun words with my funny cartoons inserted; all in order to help you learn the Dutch language.

Learning a language can be FUN and if you are willing to understand the logic of the culture and how the language is made up, you’ll discover patterns and start to have a feeling for it. This is exactly what I focus on in this book series.

In this book, you’ll find topics and knowledge about: Pronunciation (including links to YouTube videos to hear me pronounce the sounds)


Small words




Body parts

And much more!!!!!

Don’t wait if you want to learn some Dutch and start right now! I will see you in the first chapter.

Narrator: Vincent Noot