This is the story of a village, a small Italian village, and its inhabitants. A village where life revolves around simple, traditional things: family, work, the bar, and the church. A village where nothing extraordinary ever seems to happen, and yet (or perhaps precisely because of this?) the rumor mill is constantly churning. Nearly all the stories whispered about are baseless, made up, serving only to spice up daily life and bring a touch of color to an otherwise dreary existence. This is true for most stories.
Only occasionally, in a single village, something truly extraordinary happens.
Such is the case this time in the village at the heart of the following story, where the actions of a few men from a distant past suddenly take an unexpected turn, throwing all the residents into turmoil. But before this happens, mysterious events unfold—events whose significance only gradually becomes apparent, lifting a small corner of the veil.
Come, read along, and uncover the secrets this village and its inhabitants hold.