Having received many expressions of satisfaction from those who listened to the following addresses, as to the information given and the views set forth, I am encouraged to hope that the publication of them, with a few additions, may be useful to all disinterested and intelligent persons desiring to form a correct judgment as to the constitution and aim of the Salvation Army. The views herein expressed, not only convey the earnest convictions of my own mind, but also those of my husband and those most closely associated with him in the direction of the Army; and therefore may be taken, as far as they go, as an exemplification of the principles underlying this great movement. If these pages should serve to counteract the gross misrepresentations and monstrous assertions now being so vigorously circulated by many who should be better employed, I shall be abundantly repaid any trouble they have cost me, seeing that my only object is the salvation and elevation of the people.
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