The US Government is very smartly letting Tom Swift Jr. handle the recovery of its probe to Jupiter. But a mystery missile suddenly intercepts the probe and splashes it in the South Atlantic. Faced with a huge search task to find the probe on the ocean bottom, Tom soon realizes that the same shadowy group that attacked the probe is competing to find it, and no holds are barred: kidnap, coercion, and lethal force are all in play. Under such circumstances, what can Tom do? What he does every time, of course! He invents some utterly cool device to get the job done! And his Electronic Hydrolung is just the beginning! Victor Appleton was a house pseudonym used by the Stratemeyer Syndicate, most famous for being associated with the Tom Swift series of books.
The Sonic Breach
Victor Appleton
bookThe Drone Pursuit: Tom Swift Inventors' Academy, Book 1
Victor Appleton
bookTom Swift circling the globe; or, The daring cruise of the Air Monarch : A Technological Adventure of Global Proportions
Victor Appleton
bookDon Sturdy in the tombs of gold; or, The old Egyptian's great secret : Unearthing secrets in the land of pyramids: A thrilling adventure of mystery, treasure, and ancient tombs
Victor Appleton
bookDon Sturdy on the Desert of Mystery
Victor Appleton
bookDon Sturdy on the Ocean Bottom
Victor Appleton
bookDepth Perception
Victor Appleton
bookTom Swift and His Airline Express
Victor Appleton
bookThe Blurred Blogger
Victor Appleton
bookAugmented Reality
Victor Appleton
bookThe Spybot Invasion
Victor Appleton
bookThe Virtual Vandal
Victor Appleton