Raskaan viikonlopun aikana Börje saa otteen induktion esityksestä ja kirjailee muistiin yksinkertaistetun version ajatuksistaan. Vastoinkäymisistä huolimatta hän uskoo edelleen huomispäivään.
Cancel Culture Dictionary : Cancel Culture Dictionary An A to Z Guide to Winning the War On Fun
Jimmy Failla
audiobookExpert Secrets – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): The Ultimate Guide Made Simple to Overcome Anger Management, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Negative Thinking, Panic, Phobias, Stress and Worry
Maxwell Jensen
audiobookConservatize Me : How I Tried to Become a Righty with the Help of Richard Nixon, Sean Hannity, Toby Keith, and Beef Jerky
John Moe
audiobookKim Philby : A story of friendship and betrayal
Tim Milne
bookCancel Culture
Alan M. Dershowitz
audiobookYoga & tantra : historia, filosofi och mytologi
Tova Olsson
bookThe Canceling of the American Mind : Cancel Culture Undermines Trust, Destroys Institutions, and Threatens Us All—But There Is a Solution
Greg Lukianoff, Rikki Schlott
audiobookThe Society of the Spectacle
Guy Debord
Gordon Finlayson
audiobookPaavo Haavikon linja
Matti Salminen
bookThe Case for Israel
Alan M. Dershowitz
audiobookNixon and Kissinger
Robert Dallek