
You Have the Power to Change your Life: Health, Mind and Soul. Guide To Live Better: Discover How to Reactivate your Natural Health, Master your Mind and Remind your Soul of its Power. Start Living Fully


The secrets to boost your health, control your mind and unleash the power of your soul in one book! You are made to succeed, to be healthy, to be happy.

Regain your natural health and lose weight naturally with a few simple habits.

Discover how to enjoy the moment more, be more positive and feel less stress.

Know the secrets to be happier and create and value all the abundance that surrounds you.


Health is the natural state of our organism, in full balance and with its self-healing capacity intact and powerful. By practicing a few simple concepts, techniques or habits, it will be easy to recover, maintain or improve.

The mind is a powerful tool that sometimes we do not control, in fact, we are controlled by it. Thanks to some practical exercises, we can work with it for our happiness, well-being and abundance.

The soul feels. And when we feel, all should be well. Our essence knows the way to creativity, joy and love. We just need to remind it of the direction to follow.

Listen to Your Body, Errors in Our Feeding, Natural Substitutes, Intermittent Fasting, Liver and Gallbladder Cleansing, Gratitude as the Engine of Happiness, Abundance, Criticism and Complaining, Positive Discomfort, Pleasure for Pleasure, Meditation, Choose Your Battles, Present Contact, Think Less and Feel More and much more....

Discover your maximum level of health and well-being and get the life you deserve!

Start Living Fully Today!

Narrator: Barry G. Bernson